NASS is proud to recognize superintendents from all over our country
who represent the best in our profession.

Kirk Koennecke
2023 Superintendent of the Year
Cincinnati, Ohio
Superintendent Kirk Koennecke is a veteran educational leader; with 18 years of experience in administration and 27 years of service to students, he is in his fourth year at the Indian Hill School District in Cincinnati, Ohio. Koennecke's tenure is marked by significant achievements, including the successful passage of a historic Bond Levy, the first in 20 years. His strategic plan, the "IH Promise," developed during the pandemic, has become a national model for strategic planning in education.
Rob Clayton
2022 Superintendent of the Year
Bowling Green, Kentucky
Superintendent Clayton has led Warren County Public Schools since 2013. He is described as a “model of uncompromising dedication to student achievement” by Selection Panel Member and former NASS Superintendent of the Year, Dr. Jim Capolupo, “Rob Clayton is known for his ardent commitment to academic excellence in his district, county, and state.” Clayton is proud to note that WCPS has routinely performed in the top 10% on most academic metrics.